BSJP an IAAP member & training organisation in Brussel, Belgium
Parent organisation:
As a modest Belgian bi-lingual (French/Dutch) association, we have done a lot of thinking about how to reorganize and revitalize our school. Our school has two main objectives and reasons to continue to exist: to generate exchange, connection and involvement between the members regarding our work as psychoanalysts and to attract potential psychoanalysts who can give new input and continue our work. We have opted for a simplification in our activities and a less rigid attitude; we are seeking for more involvement, more sharing of interesting topics, more fun and less scholastic attitude. We installed also an annual weekend-getaway with members in a relaxed and natural environment.
All seminars have been transformed into one ‘atelier/workshop’ on every first Saturday of the month, each time moderated and introduced by a member. The spirit of these workshops is rather free, all topics are possible (book, film, theatre plays, etc.), as long as they are somehow related to analytic psychology; the idea is to have an interesting and inspiring discussion. The workshops are open to members, people thinking of training and candidates (and other interested parties, by invitation).
As an internationally recognized association we are convinced that we should continue to offer analytic training. We opt for a more individual trajectory where each trainee gets its own mentor and a program in function of his/her/their interests and background.
The admission criteria are more ‘open’ in the sense that we could accept other university graduates than psychologists and psychiatrists – the impossibility for reimbursement of the social security is their own responsibility. We thus hope to appeal to ‘the interested’ and be more accessible so that Jungian ideas can continue to exist.
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