- Dec 07 2024
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UTC+1- 3:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Dec 07 2024
- Time: 10:00 am - 3:30 pm

IAAP Analysis & Activism
Website Anniversary of Analysis & Activism
10th Anniversary of Analysis & activism
As the A&A Jungian movement approaches its 10th anniversary in 2024, the organizers are gearing up for a grand celebration—a virtual symposium that promises to be the capstone event of a decade marked by intellectual exploration and meaningful societal contributions.
In a pivotal moment of intellectual convergence, the Analysis and Activism (A&A) Jungian movement came to life in 2014 during its inaugural conference in London, meticulously organized by visionaries Andrew Samuels and Emilija Kiehl. Little did they know that this gathering would spark the flame of a transformative journey, setting the stage for four more conferences (2014, 2015, 2017, 2020, 2023) that would shape the landscape of analytical psychology and socio-cultural activism.
The movement, born from the shared passion of individuals committed to integrating Jungian analysis with real-world activism, has flourished over the years. The conferences, serving as crucibles of thought and catalysts for change, have drawn together a community of scholars, practitioners, and activists dedicated to exploring the intersection of psychology and social transformation.
In anticipation of the milestone anniversary, the A&A Jungian movement is excited to announce its 6th conference—an online gathering that aims to bring together all those who have actively contributed to the organization of the first five conferences. This unique event will not only serve as a celebration of the movement's growth but also as a reflection on the evolution of Jungian thought in the context of contemporary social issues.
The Analysis and Activism Jungian movement, with its upcoming 10th-anniversary celebration, stands as a testament to the enduring power of Jungian psychology to inspire meaningful change in the world. As the virtual conference approaches, participants can look forward to a jubilant reunion of minds, a celebration of the movement's collective achievements, and a recommitment to the ongoing journey of analytical exploration and societal transformation.
CONFERENCE PROGRAM (6am PST, 9am EST, 2pm UK, 3pm CET, 11am NSW)
3:00-3:15 Misser Berg: Video Presentation
3:15-3:45 Andrew Samuels: The Joy of Politics
3:45-4:00 Discussion
4:00-4:45 PANEL 1: Dreams, Memories and Activism Panel - 1st part: Emilija Kiehl, Mary-Jayne Rust
4:45-5:15 Monica Luci: Jung and the Psychic Infections of Our Time
5:15-5:30 Discussion
5:30-6:15 PANEL 2: Dreams, Memories and Activism Panel - 2st part: Stefano Carta, Luigi Zoja
6:15-6:30 Break
6:30-7:00 Tom Singer: Reflections on Psyche and Polis after the 2024 United States Presidential Elections
7:00-7:15 Discussion
7:15-7:45 Tine Papič: War, Collective Psychosis, and the Need for Transformation
7:45-8:00 Discussion
8:00-8:15 Share your ideas on activism: Break Out Rooms
8:15-8:30 Conclusions