- Oct 18 - 20 2024
- Expired!
- All Day
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 18 - 20 2024
- Time: All Day
- $300.00
- Donald Kalsched
- Robert Tyminski
- Tom Singer
- Monica Luci
- Andrew Samuels
- Betty Sue Flowers
- Qire Ching
- Alan Vaughan
- Carolyn Bates
- Sharon Heath
Other Locations
The C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
- C.G. Jung Institute, Gough Street, San Francisco, CA, USA

C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
Website Presidency Conference
Politics in a Traumatized World: Dystopia and the Creative Imagination
The San Francisco C.G. Jung Institute is presenting its Seventh Presidency Conference, exploring the psychological dimensions of our political landscape (psyche and polis) as expressed in the major political arena of the U.S. presidential election. Beginning in 2000, the SF Jung Institute’s Presidency Conference has taken place during every presidential election cycle. The 2020 conference included speakers and participants from across the globe offering international Jungian perspectives on our current political challenges.
This year’s conference features leading Jungians from the US and internationally in the field of politics and psyche, providing aunique opportunity to explore the deeper meaning of the dystopian landscape we face in our political moment. They include Carolyn Bates, Ipek Burnett, QiRe Ching, Patricia Damery, Betty Sue Flowers, Sharon Heath, Donald Kalsched, Monica Luci, Andrew Samuels, Tom Singer, Betty Teng, Rob Tyminski, and Alan Vaughan.
- Registration Closes: 17 October 2024
Number of hours credit:
not available