- Feb 08 2025
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Feb 08 2025
- £540.00
British Psychotherapy Foundation
Website 28 Sept 2021. Jung related events updated.Requested mailing list.
jungian dreams workshop 2021
The objective of these workshops is to develop and deepen our understanding of collective and personal unconscious processes, and how the symbolism of dreams can communicate these.
The workshop is open to those with a shared interest in Jung's work. Current participants include clinicians as well as graduates with academic backgrounds. Prior knowledge of subjects is not assumed, but the ability to openly engage with the reading material is an essential part of the group's discussions.
Brief Overview:
A series of six Saturday workshops exploring dream and dream interpretation through the Jungian lens. We will develop and deepen our conversation with dreams and dream symbolism, widening our understanding of collective and personal unconscious processes, both in and outside the consulting room. No prior knowledge of Jung is assumed.