- Oct 12 - 13 2024
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UTC+1- 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
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- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 12 - 13 2024
- Time: 5:00 am - 11:00 am
- $90.00
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London Arts-Based Research Centre
https://jungian.directory/related_organisation/london-arts-based-research-centre/Science and Sensibility: Method Meets Art
“Art and science bear intrinsic similarities in their attempts to illuminate aspects of the human condition. Grounded in exploration, revelation, and representation, art and science work toward advancing human understanding”, Patricia Leavy, Method Meets Art.
According to Richard Dawkins, “There’s real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality”. So why are art and science sometimes considered as two separate fields, rather than two different sides of the same coin? And who says that scientists, engineers, and medical researchers take interest only in matters within the boundaries of the laboratories and hospitals? How might the perspective of art provide fresh avenues for understanding and contribute significantly to the enrichment of scientific knowledge? For poets, writers, and artists there are no such boundaries, for there is poetic wisdom in scientific knowledge, beauty in anatomy, and concepts worth celebrating in writing. And for biographers and memoirists, the medical humanities offer experiences that are worth preserving in prose. Our forthcoming conference seeks to deconstruct the common divide between two seemingly distinct disciplines of art and science, building bridges instead of boundaries, and showing the importance of creatively contemplating, cherishing, and preserving the beauty of what we learn and experience.
This conference, therefore, aims to bring together scholars, creatives, and other arts-based researchers from different disciplines working on topics related to transdisciplinarity, with a focus on the bridging of science with the arts. You may be a scientist or a medical practitioner who writes poems and stories or takes on another art (such as music, sculpture, the visual arts, etc.) or alternatively, you may be a creative inspired by science, or a practioner in a field that utilises creative approaches for scientific purposes—so the intertwining of your thoughts, ideas, and creativity are welcome, and we can’t wait to hear about your work that combines your creativity with science!
We are also greatly honoured to announce that our esteemed conference keynote speaker is bestselling author and iconic arts-based researcher, Dr. Patricia Leavy, who will be joining us in London for the event and speaking on Fiction as a Way of Knowing.
Brief Overview:
Registration Fees:
90 GBP (online participation)
150 GBP (in-person participation)