
Dec 12 2023


6:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Dec 12 2023
  • Time: 1:00 pm






#WUJ Ann Ulanov in response to the Wars in Ukraine, Israel and Gaza

In her initial paper in May 2022, Ann Ulanov drew our attention to the the archetypal dynamic of erasure, a dynamic acted out in war- both the fear of erasure and the desire to erase. In both wars evil is run amok.

In response to the situation in the Middle East and the ongoing war in Ukraine, we have invited Ann Ulanov to present a sequel to her first paper, drawing once again on Jung’s Red Book and Black Books.

In this webinar we will gather to support our colleagues affected by either war - with compassion and empathy for their suffering, to support them in their fear and terror, with concern for their future, with respect for their courage and resilience, and in admiration for the humanitarian work they are doing in the most challenging of personal and collective circumstances.

As always, we hope that the mutual support offered in the webinars will enable us all to undertake the difficult psychological work that these events demand of us. May we be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

If you are in any way caught up in war at present, we invite you to come and join us, so that we can offer you our support at this indescribably difficult time. You will be able to read about our efforts to ensure a safe space for you on page 3 of the flyer.

If you are not directly caught up in the wars, please come and support our colleagues. We do not have to be bystanders - we can make a difference.

See the #WUJ11 flyer here

The event is finished.

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