Studi Junghiani N. 59 (2024)
Biannual magazine of the Italian Association for Analytical Psychology
Studi Junghiani the bi-annual journal of AIPA (Associazione Italiana Psicologia Analitica) has been published since 1995. Number 59 has just been published now published online and is completely free access.

The journal issue features an editorial overview by the committee and includes several articles: I Tipi psicologici fra tradizione, controversie e modernità. Originally published in the Eranos Yearbook,  Riccardo Bernardini analyzes the complexity of Jungian typology and suggests that typologies and imagination are antithetical functionalities of the psyche. He proposes viewing typological polarities as imaginative modes of experience. Imaginatio alchemica e nessi acausali versus terzo analitico intersoggettivo nella spiegazione dei fenomeni sincronici. Stefano Fissi compares the concepts of alchemical imagination and intersubjective analytical third in explaining synchronicity phenomena, presenting a comprehensive view of the psyche that embraces both a unified world vision and a relational understanding of human interactions. Il mestiere dell’analista oggi: tra volontà, possibilità e potenzialità.  Anna Maria Sassone explores the role of the analyst in the context of globalization and the modern zeitgeist, emphasizing the need for technical knowledge and relational capacity. She advocates for rethinking the analyst’s role as a mission serving humanity.  In an interview with Augusto Romano by Valentino Franchitti and Manuela Tartari they discuss his contributions and reflections on the field.

You can read the full issue here.

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