The Pari Center is hosting the inaugural Beyond Jung series, a groundbreaking exploration of the profound legacy of C. G. Jung. Titled Living Synchronicity, this event runs from November 30 to December 15, 2024, and consists of six live sessions, each led by distinguished experts in the field.
Curated and chaired by Professor Roderick Main, the series examines the concept of synchronicity as both a principle of acausal connection through meaning and an experience of deeply personal and often transformative coincidences. This theme is particularly significant as it honors not only Jung’s pioneering work but also the contributions of the late David Peat, founder of the Pari Center, whose studies on synchronicity brought holistic thinking to the forefront of contemporary discourse.
The series features six prominent thinkers—Rick Tarnas, Suzanne Gieser, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Roderick Main, Joe Cambray, and Richard Berengarten—who share how synchronicity has shaped their personal and professional lives. You can click on the links above to see each speaker’s individual presentation.
Although the first two sessions have already occurred, tickets are available for the remaining talks, which are taking place online over the next two weekends.