Quaderni di Cultura Junghiana is a journal published annually by Centro Italiano di Psicologia Analitica (CIPA). The latest issue of the journal celebrates the Italian psychiatrist Franco Basaglia (1924-1980). Basaglia wasn’t just a psychiatrist, he was a revolutionary. He dared to question the very foundations of mental health care, seeing asylums not as places of healing, but as prisons of the mind. Basaglia championed deinstitutionalization, believing in community-based care and the inherent dignity of every individual, regardless of their mental state. His radical ideas sparked a movement, culminating in Italy’s groundbreaking Law 180, which shut asylums and forever changed the landscape of mental health treatment. In this issue, subtitled Analytical Psychology 100 Years after the Birth of Franco Basaglia, a number of CIPA analysts reflect on his legacy in different ways. Noteworthy articles include:
Povere creature! (Poor Things) by Miriam Dambrosio
Enrico Ferrari, La bellezza salverà la psiche? Sguardi sull’anima e sul mondo (Will Beauty Save the Psyche? Views on the Soul and the World) by Angiola Iapoce
La metafora come possibilità di comunicazione del dolore (Metaphor as a Possibility of Communicating Pain) by Martina Saraceni
Memorie dei tempi basagliani (Memories of the Basaglian Times)
by Giuseppe Martini
Quattro chiacchiere prima della puntura. Basaglia, la potenza, il miracolo, la liberazione e la salvezza (A Chat Before the Shot. Basaglia, Power, Miracle, Liberation, and Salvation) by Francesco Di Nuovo
…Attraverso il cuore… ricordando la mitezza di Eugenio Borgna
(…Through the Heart… Remembering the Gentleness of Eugenio Borgna) by Luigi Aversa