Colleagues across Europe and around the world are gathered this weekend in Siracusa, Sicily for the 6th European Conference of Analytical Psychology is currently taking place in Siracusa, Sicily.
Hamlet’s anguished groan “Time is out of joint” sets the theme for this conference.
n her book The Time Is Out of Joint: Shakespeare as Philosopher of History, Agnes Heller explores Hamlet’s struggle between conscience and honor, suggesting he was born to “set right the time out of joint.” Heller argues that time is out of joint when reason and unreason diverge, creating chaos within the soul.
Conference attendees will attend 3 days of plenaries and breakout session which explore the potential of Analytical Psychology to set right “time out of joint” and can help restore integrity in disjointed times.
The programme which you can read at the link below promises a rich weekend and we wish all attendees a good conference.