Jungian related organisations

Club or Society
The C.G. Jung Society of Vancouver was established in 1981 as a non-profit lay organization dedicated to promoting learning and dialogue based on the ideas of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. The society brings scholars, artists, writers, psychotherapists, and educators from the global Jungian community, and Jungian Analysts from around the country to  provide you with learning opportunities to help broaden your understanding of self, others, and the world we share.…
Club or Society
Friends of Jung-South (FOJS) was founded in the early 1970s in Birmingham, Alabama, sparked by the interest of people who wanted to learn more about the teachings of Swiss psychoanalyst, Dr. C. G. Jung. In the pioneering days of discovering the unconscious, Jung was a member of Freud’s inner circle. Using the Freudian foundation, Jung responded to his own growing understanding of the unconscious. In developing his own ideas, he…
Club or Society
Die C. G. Jung-Gesellschaft Köln e. V. wurde 1994 in Köln gegründet. Wir sind ein gemeinnütziger Verein mit dem Ziel, die Analytische Psychologie C. G. Jungs einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Es ist uns ein großes Anliegen, Ihnen eine lebendige und zeitgemäße Jung’sche Psychologie anzubieten. In unserem umfangreichen Weiter- und Fortbildungsprogramm finden Sie Vorträge, Seminare mit theoretischem Anteil und Selbsterfahrung, Supervisionen, Fortbildungen und Reisen. Für alle Interessierten mit und…
Network / Research Body
Welcome to IASD, the world’s premier dream organization. Do you have a question about dreams or nightmares? Post your request on our Facebook Group Page. If you are studying dreams in depth, check out our booklist or search our pages for articles by dream experts. Popular topics include lucid dreaming, dream films, dream telepathy and our Dream FAQ. We highly recommend that you attend one of our Regional or International…
Club or Society
About the New Orleans Jung SocietyFollowing the general thrust of Carl Jung’s analytical psychology, the Society presents an interdisciplinary program to foster self-understanding by the individual. Jung’s deepest interest was in arriving at insights capable of bringing genuine help to the individual. His theories laid the groundwork for a new understanding of man, the significance of which extends far beyond the boundaries of psychology in the conventional sense. The…
Club or Society
The C. G. Jung Society of Montreal is dedicated to helping men and women grow in conscious awareness and psychological insight. Dr. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), co-founder of psychoanalysis, developed the important concepts of archetypes, introversion/extraversion, synchronicity, the shadow and the collective unconscious.  Founded in 1975, our Jung Society is a non-profit organization run by volunteers and open to everyone.  Through a newsletter, lectures, workshops, seminars and other activities, we…
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