Jungian related organisations

Club or Society
L’Association Jungienne de Psychanalyse d’Occitanie a pour objectif de diffuser la pensée de Carl Gustav Jung sous la forme de conférences, d’ateliers d’approfondissement de concepts, de réflexion sur la pratique clinique et d’actions de régulation de groupe. Elle est animée par des psychanalystes membres et membres associés de la SFPA (Société Française de Psychologie Analytique) et/ou de l’AIPA (Association Internationale de Psychologie Analytique, ou d’associations jungiennes reconnues. Elle propose des…
The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, founded in 1962, is dedicated to helping men and women grow in conscious awareness of the psychological realities in themselves and society, find healing and meaning in their lives, reach greater depth in their relationships, and live in response to their discovered sense of purpose.
Foundation / Professional Body
We believe that the rich body of knowledge contained in the psychoanalytic and Jungian traditions, when combined with scientific advances in our understanding of the human mind and development, provides the most rigorous possible basis for psychotherapy. It also provides a powerful and distinctive perspective on many issues that we face: questions of mental wellbeing, health and social policy, issues around sexuality and gender, how we make sense of contemporary…
Foundation / Training Institute
The Sophia Center’s faculty features internationally recognized clinicians, scholars artists and authors in the fields of Jungian psychology, archetypal psychology, neuropsychology, women’s studies, and the arts. It is both an on-line and in person community of transformational learning.  The Sophia Center’s educational philosophy is rooted in transformational learning and focused on  bringing together the academic, the psychoanalytic, the creative, the somatic and the soulful as equally valued ways of knowing. We are committed to fostering learning communities…
Course Provider / Education
Jung Platform is an online education space that offers multiple depth psychological and spiritual perspectives. Our courses and lectures explore the journey of life with the help of highly regarded teachers. We’re passionate about providing practical life-enhancing tools and the opportunity to connect with others on this path. So you can live your life colorfully.
Club or Society
The Psychology Club Zurich was founded in 1916 by Mr. and Mrs. McCormick-Rockefeller, Emma and Carl Gustav Jung, and some Zurich friends of Complex Psychology. From the very beginning the clubhouse was probably the most important forum for the psychiatrist C.G. Jung to present his ideas in many seminars and lectures before publishing them. After the break with Sigmund Freud the clubhouse became a setting in which Analytical Psychology, as…
Club or Society
Die C. G. Jung Gesellschaft Bodensee e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein und sieht es als seine Aufgabe an, die Analytische Psychologie Jungs und deren Weiterentwicklungen allen Interessierten zu ver­mitteln. So wollen wir nicht nur psycho­thera­peutische und ärztlichen FachkollegInnen in freien Praxen, Institutionen und Beratungsstellen oder ErzieherInnen, LehrerInnen, und Eltern ansprechen. Auch psychologisch interessierte Personen und Studierende sind bei unseren Veranstaltungen herzlich willkommen und können Mitglied werden. Unsere Kernthemen, die sich…
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