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A non-profit association, with a cultural and educational character, according to the rules of the ISST – International Society for Sandplay Therapy, from Zurich, Switzerland. In 2011, at the 21st International Congress Kartause Ittingen–Switzerland, ISST recognized IBTSandplay as a member institute, already with 13 affiliated members. Since then, we have been expanding our marks in the sand, sharing and spreading the knowledge that Dora Kalff taught us. The institute’s logo was inspired by a flower that grows from the sand, Calystegia Soldanella. Ephemeral, it lives a lot like a seed and little like a flower. Its seeds are carried by the wind and buried in the upper layers of sand and can remain in this latent state for up to three years. With the action of rain they can germinate and finally bloom.
Email: [email protected]
Post: Rua Deputado Lacerda Franco, ,300, cj.44 – CEP 05418-000,São Paulo, Brazil, ,,,
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