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The Scientific and Medical Network is dedicated to the sharing of ideas in the fields of science, spirituality and consciousness. Our priority has always been to encourage the networking of minds so that advances in our core subject areas happen faster and are shared further. To these ends, we seek to provide unique platforms for engagement, including web-based forums, residential conferences addressed by leading minds in their fields, and our immersive Local Groups.
The group pages below offer forthcoming events, news and notices, and in some cases summaries of previous meetings, (including a few audio recordings), provided by the local group coordinators.
Take the plunge and attend your nearest local group meeting. Please do also consider the additional benefits that come with enrollment into membership of the SMN.
Post: 81 Larcom Street,,, London,,,United Kingdom
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Obviously, to get this website started we have taken the liberty of searching and adding events to this website. If we have shared your event, and you really wish we hadn’t, Contact Us and we will remove the offending article.
Jungian.Directory is a place to announce and promote your Events, Books, Courses, Organisation, Reading Groups, your Analytic Practice & exciting projects.